Physical Education/Health

Mrs. Nicole Espino
Physical Education/Health
Mrs. Espino has been teaching PE/Health at SFdA since 2007. Her daughter has just begun her journey as a student at SFdA and she is excited to watch her daughter grow in the faith and knowledge of Catholicism that can only come from a Catholic education. Mrs. Espino taught for two years at the public school but felt something was missing. The day Mrs. Espino closed the door on teaching in the public school, she got a phone call that SFdA was hiring A PE teacher. As the saying goes when one door closes, another one was opened.
It is her goal that every child who leaves SFdA will have a love for physical activity, and find at least one activity they can enjoy as they continue their journey to adulthood. Faith is integrated into the classroom through daily prayer and scripture readings. Students read a scripture passage and then analyze how that passage relates to what they did in class.
The students at SFdA truly make teaching awesome!
PE Highlights
- Dance
- Fundamental Movement/motor skills
- Manipulatives
- Non-manipulatives
- Ed Gymnastics
- Fitness
- Sports
Health Highlights
- Nutrition
- Environment
- The Human Body
- Safety
- Drugs/Alcohol
- Mental Health
- Social Health
- Physical Health
Extra Highlights
- Christmas Pageant
- Flash mobs
- School Dances
- NAU Trips
- School sponsored sports