Preschool Academics

Mrs. Lisa Barquin

Preschool Director

Mrs. Lisa Barquin has been a staff member for 17 years. She has been associated with the school for over twenty years starting when her oldest child started first grade. All three of her and her husband's three sons attended and graduated from San Francisco de Asis Catholic School (St. Mary's). Lisa and her husband believe that SFdA provided a solid academic foundation, but also a firm foundation in their Catholic faith.

She believes that we join parents, who are the primary educators of their children, in promoting age appropriate academic standards and building Catholic foundations.

Elizabeth Sanchez

Preschool Aide

We encourage self-discipline, respect and appreciation for self, others, and all of God's creation in a culturally diverse society. Our staff models their Catholic faith in guiding children to become active participants in their life-long journey of service to their parish, community, and world.

By following the words of Christ (Let the children come to me and do not hinder them. Mk 10:14) we try to nurture and celebrate each child's God-given gifts and abilities as they learn and follow the teachings of Christ.

Preschool Highlights

  • Our preschool program is a state licensed center and a participant in First Things First - Quality First program.
  • Discipline with Purpose: (We focus on the first five skills.) Listening, Following Directions, Asking Questions, Sharing and Social Skills.
  • Religion Program: Stories of God’s Love teaches Scripture stories and connects them to children’s lives through an easy to understand, real-life story. We also learn the sign of the cross and different prayers.
  • We incorporate Teaching Strategies Creative Curriculum along with teacher created curriculum and the Teaching Strategies Gold Assessment program.
  • The students are introduced to Math, Science and Literacy
  • We participate in a Nature Walk, Halloween Carnival and costume parade, Christmas play performance and Easter celebration
  • "Specials" (which may include the following depending upon the schedule of the student): Music, Art, Fit Kids, Computers and visits to the library