Volunteer Opportunities
In order to ensure the well-being of students and enhance the educational opportunities available to children at SFdA School, volunteer assistance is welcomed and encouraged. All volunteers who wish to be involved at the school must take the Diocesan Safe Environment Training. The program is updated annually, and parents will be informed throughout the school year about specific requirements and seminar dates.
Each family is required to complete 15 hours per semester of SPIRIT Hours for a total of 30 hours in a school year. Hours must directly affect the school.
Hours volunteered at the Parish or through Parish sponsored groups (RE, Scouting, American Heritage Girls, etc) will not be accepted.
The following are some areas in which parent volunteers may wish to help:
Under the direction of the teacher, the homeroom parent helps to plan parties, field trips, and special activities appropriate to the grade level. All activities are designed to further the development of the child within the educational program, and therefore require the approval and supervision of the teacher or principal.
Parents and SFdA alumni are invited to participate as coaches for the after-school athletic teams. All coaches must take the Diocesan Safe Environment Training and be approved by the administration.
Under the direction of the teacher, the volunteer may assist students in the learning process or may perform functions specific to the needs of the teacher. Volunteers may assist the teacher in the preparation of classroom projects and activities, record keeping, small-group and individualized student programs.
Under the direction of the PTG Board and administration this group continually nurtures the school and its environment by committing time, abilities, resources and fund raising.
The lunchroom helper assists the lunchroom staff during lunchtime by supervising children, cleaning tables, replenishing silverware supplies, filling dispensers and performing other tasks as needed.
A Health Aide volunteer assists with annual paperwork associated with the health care office.
A library volunteer assists the librarian by helping students check out books, reshelving books, reading stories to primary grade classes, helping with the annual book fair, and performing other tasks as needed.
Playground Supervisors help school staff monitor the safety of students during recess.
Volunteers assist the SCRIP coordinator by selling SCRIP after Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday mornings. Parents who are interested should contact the SCRIP coordinator.
From time to time, help is needed in the upkeep of school facilities through routine tasks such as washing windows, painting classrooms, and the execution of other basic maintenance requirements. Parents who are willing to donate time and/or supplies should contact the office.
Various short-term projects also arise during the year that rely heavily on parent volunteer assistance: the annual Blue and White Banquet & Auction, the Parish Open Golf Tournament, and other special events are all dependent upon the organizational and leadership skills of parent volunteers. Parents who are interested in donating their time and talents to such special events should contact the School Office.
Parent chaperones are needed for field trips, dances, etc. Sign-up for chaperones can be done for each event through the teacher.
This is a great take home project! Help is needed to organize and submit Box Tops that are collected at the school.